Crafting Connections | Celebrating Culture

At Native Spirits, our journey is rooted in a passion for cultural exploration and a commitment to sharing the rich tapestry of West African heritage through the lens of one remarkable spirit – Sodabi. Founded with the belief that every bottle tells a story, we strive to be more than purveyors of a beverage; we are storytellers, cultural enthusiasts, and bridge builders.

About Native Spirits

«Elevate your spirit with Native Spirits—where crafted heritage, cultural authenticity, and positive impact converge in every sip of Afevia.»

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Unlock the flavors of Afevia near you! Register to stay informed about exclusive offers, special deals, and new stockists in your state. Elevate your spirits with Afevia by Native Spirits. Cheers to discovering a taste of West Africa at your fingertips!


What our clients say

Afevia transports me to West Africa with every sip. Its authenticity and rich flavors are unmatched. Native Spirits has truly captured the essence of a cultural masterpiece.

by Patricia S.

As a mixologist, Afevia's versatility in cocktails is unmatched. The nuanced terroir infusion adds a unique touch, delighting both my customers and me. A true gem! Everyone should try it.

by Carlos R.

Native Spirits' commitment to philanthropy through Afevia resonates with me. Sipping for positive change is not just an experience; it's a purposeful journey. Cheers to impact!

by Sophie L.

Afevia has become a staple in my culinary creations. Its ability to elevate dishes and complement flavors is unparalleled. A versatile and delicious addition to any kitchen.

by David R.

Discovering Afevia was like finding a hidden gem. Its crafted heritage spirit is a testament to the richness of West Africa. Truly a unique and captivating experience.

by Olivia B.